- Strong 5-6% medicinal-grade curcumin
- Protects against free radicals
- Anti-inflammatory properties
- Powerful cancer fighter
- Anti-tumour properties
- Cardiovascular protection
- Antiseptic & antibacterial
- Natural liver detoxifier
Turmeric Powder (5%-6% curcumin)
Vitamins: Pantothenic Acid (B5), and Folic Acid (B9).
Minerals: Calcium (Ca), Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), and Zinc (Zn).
Other Nutrients: Fiber.
For all dogs, add to every meal. If you are adding Augustine’s SuperBoost into your dog's diet or making Augustine's SuperFood, you do not need to add additional turmeric powder.
What is the difference between your canine and human label turmeric?
Unlike turmeric used for cooking (1%-3% curcumin), turmeric that is high in curcumin is favoured for its well documented medicinal properties. The higher the curcumin rate, the more bitter it tastes, hence why a turmeric with a lower cur cumin rate is preferred for cooking.
Curcumin found in turmeric has a low absorption rate and therefore a rather low bioavailability, thus requiring an activator for consumers to obtain its benefits. While black pepper is the most well known activator, we believe that our Lecithin Powder is far more powerful. If you are already feeding Augustine’s SuperBoost with our Raw Coconut Oil, you are indeliberately feeding your dog the highest quality Golden Paste available.
Curcumin found in turmeric is believed to be a potent anti-inflammatory, according to professionals at the University of Florida's Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital. This can be helpful for painful inflammatory conditions.
Beneficial to the liver
Curcumin is believed to stimulate bile production in the liver, essential to the digestion of dietary fats. As working dogs need their diets to consist of at least 20 percent fat, healthy bile production is paramount to good health. Pregnant, nursing and underweight dogs also need a diet fairly high in fat, which means they need healthy bile production to digest it all.
Antioxidants are substances such as vitamin C or E that remove potentially damaging agents, called free radicals, from the body. Free radicals can wreak havoc in the body and possibly lead to such conditions as cardiovascular disease and cancer. Dogs need antioxidants just as humans do to mitigate this free radical damage. There are many options for providing antioxidants to your dog, including fruits and vegetables. The active ingredients in turmeric, though, will also provide an antioxidant boost to your dog’s food.
Synergistic effect with other herbs
Curcumin can provide a synergistic effect with other herbs, which means the herbs increase each other's beneficial effects. Bromelain, an extract of pineapple stems, is a herb that works well in this way with curcumin. Bromelain can decrease what is known as "circulating immune complexes", which can cause immune system damage. When combined with curcumin, the two increase each other's absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. In other words, by taking both curcumin and bromeliad, the body will absorb more of both herbs than if they were taken alone.
What is it?
Turmeric comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant, found in Indonesia and southern India, and is known for its widespread use in many South Asian and Middle Eastern countries. Widely used as a spice, it increasingly has been recognised as a powerful medicinal remedy that influences many aspects of your health. Most notably, turmeric has been found to reduce tumours in animals by an astounding 81% in over 9 studies. Researchers at UCLA have even found that cur cumin is able to block cancer growth.
In turmeric is also something known as curcumin, a natural phenol. Named for the plant from which it’s derived, curcumin is the pigment that gives turmeric its distinctive color and is thought to be the source of the many medicinal effects turmeric is being known to have. According to peer-reviewd research, curcumin alone is known to positively impact over 560 diseases.
While commonly used medicinally for decades, turmeric as an herbal medicine caught the attention of the modern world only recently. Scientists have only just begun revealing the exact health benefits of this plant.
- Turmeric powder has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that make it an ideal antiseptic used in homemade remedies for wounds.
- Research has repeatedly shown that turmeric is a powerful cancer fighter.
- Further adding on to turmeric’s cancer-fighting abilities, the spice has also been shown to help prevent breast cancer. Curcumin has been found to possess properties that reduce the expression of deadly molecules within cancer cells, and can potentially slow the spread of breast cancer.
- Turmeric can be used to naturally detoxify the liver.
- The spice is a natural painkiller.
- Research is beginning to show that turmeric may be effective at protecting against neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Epidemiological studies show that levels of neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s are very low in elderly Indian populations, where turmeric is a common spice.
- May be beneficial in treating psoriasis.
Turmeric produces mind-blowing recovery from dementia symptoms, multiple case studies show: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2781139/
So what DOESN'T Augustine approve?
Additives, chemicals, colourings, dairy, fillers, flavourings, grains, gluten, GMOs, irradiation, meat or animal by-products, MSG, preservatives, synthetics, salts & sweeteners.
Our Turmeric Powder carries the following symbols: