Packages for Our Dog Services

First Time Booking With Us?

Please first book your First Day Intro Assessment if you've never booked a service with Dogs In Town, or you haven't booked in over 4 months.

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Playcare Packages Online Booking (No Transportation)

**Interested in Transportation Services but you're not sure how it works? Click here → Transportation Services.

Playcare & Transportation

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Playcare Packages Online Booking (Transportation Incl.)

**Interested in Transportation Services but you're not sure how it works? Click here → Transportation Services.

Half Day Playcare


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Playcare Packages Online Booking (No Transportation)

**Interested in Transportation Services but you're not sure how it works? Click here → Transportation Services.

Dog Adventures & Playcare

Dog Adventure & Playcare

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Dog Adventure & Playcare Online Booking (Without Transportation)

**Interested in Transportation Services but you're not sure how it works? Click here → Transportation Services.

Dog Adventure & Playcare with transportation

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Dog Adventure & Playcare Online Booking (Transportation Incl.)

Our Transportation Services do not guarantee specific pickup / drop-off times.

Dog Adventures

Dog Adventures with transportation

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Dog Adventure Online Booking (Transportation Incl.)

Our Transportation Services do not guarantee specific pickup / drop-off times.

Gift Cards

Gift Cards


Gift Card Purchase

More In-Fur-Mation


We need our hands free to care for the shaggy canines running around. To make registration quick and painless for you and our staff, we only accept online bookings. To save your spot, simply redeem the code at the bottom of the booking page you received by email, or log in and enter your email address at the bottom when redeeming a package code.

Experiencing technical difficulties, or the website isn’t working? You can message us via WhatsApp during business hours and contact us here.

Cancellation Policy


All packages are subject to the validity terms offered upon booking and are non-refundable and non-transferable, except in cases of the animal's death or long-term sickness with a vet certificate. Packages have an expiration date and are not extendable.

Cancellations or rescheduling appointments with less than 24 hours will not be refunded.

Terrier-ific Transportation Services

Pick Up service operates between 6:45am to 9:30am (Monday to Friday) or 8am to 9:30am on Saturday.

Drop Off service operates between 2pm to 4:30pm or 1pm to 2pm on Saturday

Pick Up Zones: Alexandria, Mascot, Rosebery, Waterloo, Zetland, Rosebery, Newtown, Enmore, Dulwich Hill, Tempe, Earlwood, Petersham, Wolli Creek, Erskineville, Haberfield, Summer Hill Darling Point, Redfern, Sydney Park, St Peters, CBD, Surry Hills, Potts Point, Woolloomooloo, Paddington, Darlinghurst, Centennial Park, Glebe, Camperdown, Marrickville, Annandale, Eastern Beaches, Double Bay, Bellevue Hill, Edgecliff, Bondi, Tamarama, Bronte, Vaucluse and MORE

Please be advised that we cannot guarantee to arrive at a specified time.

Before booking any transport services please read Transport Information on our website.

Account Registration

Want greyhound fast bookings for all of your appointments? Don’t forget to register for an account on the confirmation page after booking your first appointment.

For Even More In-Fur-Mation Please Read Our Terms And Conditions.

Did You Know by Getting a Membership, You Can Save Even More?! 🤑

By becoming a member with Dogs in Town you receive 10% discount on our Grooming services and Retail Items in the store!

The best part? As there is no cancellation fee, there is only a slight initial set up fee worth of two weeks full price to get you started!

For more information on how to subscribe to a membership, please check here.